Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Girl Tattoos Beautiful

Female tattoos – or tattoos that are feminine in design, and are usually favored by women or girls – are becoming more and more common.For the first fifty or sixty years after tattooing became commonplace and even mainstream in modern society,few women got tattoos-those that did were the exception and usually a touch eccentric or rebellious.

Girl's Tattoos

All that changed about twenty years ago when tattooing became more socially acceptable, largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos. Some of these were women, and so the female tattoo became more common and acceptable. Nowadays most people find female tattoos sexy and attractive, they certainly aren't offensive anymore.

Girl's Tattoos

That having been said it’s still true that more men than women get tattoos and it’s even true that there is a little element of social rebellion inherent in a woman’s decision to get a tattoo, although this is less and less the case, tattoos are more like a fashion item these days.

Girl's Tattoos

However, female ink is no longer shocking, and we no longer jump to conclusions about a woman’s moral character based on whether or not she has a few tattoos!

Girl's Tattoos

Girl's Tattoos

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Quick note: Interview

I did a quick interview a few days ago with the lovely Tabitha and you can read it HERE

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010


Source: unknown


source: unknown

Flower tattoo designs

Flower tattoo designs


Flower tattoo designs are a hit amongst majority of the women. It is due to the fact, that there are various kinds of flowers that can be made as tattoo. Also, the flower tattoos are a great symbol of showing femininity. Particularly, if a female has strapping facial features and small hair for matching, flower tattoo designs would really look good and make individuals notice the softer side of a woman.

There is an assortment of flower design tattoos to pick from and few a times; selecting one becomes difficult and confusing. One high in demand flower design, which is inked, is rose. Along with its popularity, rose is the first flower to be utilized as tattoo. The best part about this flower is that it can be formed in any tattoo design shape or even, can be fusioned with any other symbol or pattern to make it more attractive. Cherry blossom, lily, lotus, are some other tattoo designs that are liked by many tattoo lovers, which stands for.

Flower tattoo designs

Flower tattoo designs

Apart from the choice of picking flower tattoo design, also you can choose the color of your tattoo. As tattoos are capable of including multitude of colors, individuals who want to have flower tattoo on their body can get inked preferred colors or simply go for the traditional colors.

While choosing the color of flower tattoo designs always keep in mind that every individual color denotes meaning. For instance red color signifies love and passion, pink means grace, admiration, and white depicts peace. Another worth noticing aspect about flower tattoo designs is that you can decide the stage of the flower. As all stages of flowers have distinctive symbolization, choosing the stage with care is important.

Flower tattoo designs

Flower tattoo designs

Lotus And Dragonfly Tattoo

Lotus And Dragonfly Tattoo

Letter Tattoo With Love Tattoo

Letter Tattoo With Love Tattoo

surgery tattoo

surgery tattoo

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010


Foot tattoo designs


Large number of individuals thinks that foot is not a good place to get a tattoo, however the fact is that you can get some really amazing and coolest tattoos on your feet. A tiny flower tattoo that comes out of your shoe appears quite attractive and cute.

When it comes to foot designs there are stunning designs, which can be exercised as tattoos on foot. The foot tattoos are getting popular by each passing day. The best part is that the designs that are used for the foot tattoos are small, simple and not so complex. Also, the money and time needed to get foot tattoos is very less. Simple say the kind of tattoo you want to have on your foot, sexy, cute, feminine, ample of foot tattoo designs are accessible, with array of colors and designs.

Foot tattoo designs

Angel tattoos are the most common type of foot tattoos. The angels are famous are the protectors, especially if you are spiritual, this tattoo is the best tattoo to wear for reflecting your personality. While getting angel foot tattoo always take into account the actuality that the foot area is small, thus it is feasible to get just one or two angels. More than this may not look good and clear.

Also, you can try out to cherubs and cartoons. As well, flower tattoo, guardian angel tattoo, fair tattoo are some other foot tattoo designs that look really good.

Foot tattoo is the best way to enhance the look of your foot and make it look more sexy and appealing.

Foot tattoo designs

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Good Times Tattoo

As you all know, I went to Good Times Tattoo for a chat/interview and a look around. I was impressed by the large space and vast amount of light, as well as how it had been decorated like a cool bar or place to hang out.
So I was lucky enough to get to speak to Nikole (who was super nice), and this is how it went:
photos taken by: boyfriend

Could you give us the background of Good Times Tattoo? What were your thoughts when you got it set up, what were the designs behind it?
We have been open for a year now. But when I opened it I wanted to have something just a bit different, something a bit more private, that's why it's on the first floor, I didn't want anything street level. I wanted something with a lot of windows, high ceilings. Really pretty things, the walls are based around some of my favourite bars, and restaurants and night clubs. I always collect interesting things, I'd just go to boot fairs and markets and eBay. I just put all that shit up, everywhere I guess.

How do you pick the tattoo artists who work here? Are they mainly friends and people you have worked with for a long time?
All the artists who work here are all friends, people I've worked with some time or another. Except for Nick, I have never worked with him before, but we've always been friends. But everyone else are kinda like my best mates, and they've been my best mates for years, and we've sorta hung out, when I got the job it was natural for it to happen I guess.

Do you take walk ins?
If somebody walks in and nobody is doing anything we can fit them in, yeh.

Usually how long is the waiting list?
It depends on which artist. It could be one week or it could be a year or two.

Is it a year or two for you?
It's about a year, 8 months. If it's something that really interests me and I really really want to do, then obviously I don't wait...

What sort of tattoos do you like to do, what's your style?
At the moment I do mostly Japanese, Indian, Tibetan and just really pretty things, big and bold. Yeh, I do pretty things. I'm trying to change, it's really hard because when you start doing one thing everyone wants you to do that and it's really hard to move on from that. So at the moment I'm trying to do things that are a bit different, I'm really into doing scenery at the moment, just pure scenery, like a Japanese painting. Something that you won't expect to be tattooed. Just trying to keep myself interested at the moment.

Could you summarize quickly the other tattoo artists and what their styles are.
Saira, she does sorta old school, a lot of Henna sorta Indian pattern work which she's really into at the moment because she has been doing old school for years. She's doing all these amazing patterns.
Jamie, she's a really good all rounder, she does really good old school, Japanese really good, American style tattoos. She does everything really really well.
Piotrek, he's a polish guy and he does amazing realistic portraits and kind of creepy skulls that morph into things. Really quite surreal drawings and his work is just amazing, you watch him and you go 'how do you do it?!'
Nick does really good, it's so clean it's just ridiculous, it's so perfect. He does really good old school and Japanese.
And then I've got Danny and he does tribal, he does really good writing actually, I think his writing is my favourite thing that he does.
And then I have a couple of other guys that just come and guest.

What do you think makes a good tattoo? Are there any restrictions?
No, you just want a tattoo that actually enhances your body really. So you want it to work with your muscle flow, so if you have something in between two muscles, say you got something really small and you put it in between your deltoid and your biceps there, if you put it in the middle there, it is obviously not going to look good. So you want the right placement so that it work wells with the body, and something that is going to last, something that is semi bold, doesn't have to be very bold.
My personal choice of a good tattoo, for big pieces, something that you can see from across from the room, it's not too confusing. Sometimes a lot less is more. Don't try to cram too many things into one piece.
Try to keep it simply, and then it will last you forever, because it is obviously going to be there forever, so you don't want too many things over crowding it and just really clear and good lines.

What are your thoughts on UV tattoos or white tattoos?
I don't do UV tattoo because I heard the ink could be carcinogenic, so it could be cancerous. I've never used it, I don't know what the ink is like nowadays, this is like years ago.
I have done white tattoos, some people it can look good on where it actually looks white, some people it just doesn't work at all where it looks like a scar. You know, it's a personal preference, I'd rather not do it myself, because I just don't think it lasts as long, but if it is what people want, it's what they want.

What advice would you give to someone getting their first tattoo?
Research what you want, because your tattoo is going to be there forever and you're going to grow up. Don’t just get something when you're young that isn't going to age well with you, get something that will be timeless.
Research your artist, make sure you feel comfortable with them, make sure the place is clean and that their work is good. You don't just go into any place or the first tattoo place you come across. You can go around three or four of them, as many shops as you like. Just see where you feel comfortable, what the work is like and what the atmosphere is like.

What is your typical sort of customer?
My typical customer is just normal people.

Just anyone? Asking for small tattoos or big tattoos?
It could be anything, like last week I tattooed a friend's niece, she was 19, just a young girl. I also had this 60 year old man, it's such a wide range. It's honestly absolutely anybody, I've had guys walk in that have almost full body but you wouldn't actually know by the way they dress, you wouldn't even know they had one tattoo.

What is the best way to look after a tattoo? What is the best aftercare?
Usually we wrap it up in cling film after we've tattooed it. So you have got to wash it really really well, and you just let it dry, pat it dry. I usually let it dry out for the first day, I don't put any cream on it. then you use Bepanthen, which is like a nappy rash cream, or a mild lotion, I love coco butter. Sometimes I might use Bepanthen for the first could of days, and then afterward I use coco butter. And you just put cream on it once or twice a day, don't pick it, don't scratch it.

Sun protection?
Yeh, you can put sun protection on it whilst it's healing, but after it's healed I use coco butter with 15+ everyday, so I always put sunscreen on everyday anyway. You can't swim whilst it's healing.

One reader has asked whether you can tattoo over scars, whether it would cover up properly?
Yes, you can tattoo over scars, but they need to be over one to two years old, because even though it looks like it's healed, your skin is still doing stuff underneath. The more time you give it to heal the better. It can be really successful, if you've got like really bad burns or something or stretch marks. Stretch marks are tricky because the skin is quite thin and then it's normal and then it's thin, so the artist needs to be very careful. But with burns or scars it really takes your eye away from it.

Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?
Wherever you think it hurts, it hurts. It depends, everybody's different. Sternum is very painful, all around your kidneys, all your soft bits really. Under your arms, inner thighs, bums are very painful, feet are painful, stomach is painful.
Pretty much everywhere! Things that don't hurt are your arms and legs, haha. I didn't think my chest hurt that much, but if you went to the middle, the sternum, that's nasty.

There's always a problem with age people stretch a bit, is there one area of the body that doesn’t stretch as much.
I guess it’s a personal thing, everybody's skin will age differently. When you get older, your skin will sag in different places as your mates skin. The thing is I guess when you are tattooed and you’re older you just don’t really give a shit anyway, it’s not really something you’re going to get worried about is your sagging tattoo, I think you’re more worried about your sagging skin!

First Floor,
147 Curtain Road,
number: +44 (0) 20 7739 2438
Monday - Saturday: 12-7pm

Photos taken by: me


source: unkown

black roses Tattoo

black roses Tattoo

flower style Tattoo

flower style Tattoo

beautyfull japanese Tattoo

beautyfull japanese Tattoo

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010


source: unknown

I know she has more than this one tattoo, but I really loved this picture of her flower tattoo.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Friday Randoms.

source: unknown

Honor the one you love with a name tattoo

Honor the one you love with a name tattoo


Name tattoos are the best and the ultimate way to show you care for and person and to show how much that person means to you. It is the highest form of expression of love to your beloved no gift can ever be close to that. As a name tattoo will be a part of your individuality everlastingly just like you want your loved one to be a part of your life forever. For a name tattoo you need to discuss with your artist for the particular font you want to ink it down and the in which language you want it, the common options available are English, Hebrew and Japanese. You can go for other language if you want to. The next thing you should keep in mind is that which portion of the body you will wish to have the name tattoo. Do you prefer a visible part like hand or the back of your neck or you want it in less visible parts like around the personal parts. With a name you can honor any person who is close to your heart, he or she can be,

The loved one who has passed away: It is an excellent way of offering homage and tribute to the loved one you lost. By getting their name on your body you are telling the whole world that those gone are still in your heart and your life.

Name tattoos

Name tattoos

Your mom/dad/ yours kids name: These people your mom, dad, kids or any other relative holds great value in your life and there is no better way to say that you care for them so much other then a name tattoo.

Your spouse name: The importance of your soul mate is no less in your life. After all that he or she does for you he or she surely needs a mark of respect. You can by inking in a name tattoo.

Go for name tattoos if you want to show how much you love.

Name tattoos

Name tattoos